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Grey Cross
Nvizion Solutions
Customer Story

Revolutionizing Online Success: Unleashing Puma's Potential with Catalog Efficiency

We have been partnering with Nvizion for several years to build and enhance our PIM MDM solution. The Nvizion team helped us to provide a stable and sustainable system by implementing and advising us on the best technical approaches. Their customer-first model makes the collaboration smooth between the two companies with streamlined and close communication. Nvizion keeps up with PUMA’s pace in our Ecommerce expansion by enabling new online stores and building new features which improve our time to market.
Pierre-Francois Gonon
Senior Project Manager



PUMA is one of the world’s most visible and enduring sports brands. PUMA produces thousands of products each season and sells them in 120 countries through wholesale partners, e-commerce, and retail stores. With such a large and diverse global footprint, PUMA’s business growth was often driven at the local level, with regional managers and teams operating independently. As a result, product information was managed in many siloed systems. No central source of product information was available to feed e-commerce systems, leading to inconsistencies in how products were presented and sold to customers in different markets.
This is the Nvizion Solutions's relationship with customer.

The Challenge

PUMA, a global e-commerce giant, encountered several challenges in its quest to provide a unified and seamless customer experience. One significant hurdle was the need to create a single, trusted view of product information across diverse regions, channels, and touch points. The company's short, 12-week product lifecycles also posed difficulties in keeping up with the rapidly changing market demands. PUMA had to address the issue of centralized product data stored in various isolated systems, which led to inefficiencies and hindered quick decision-making. Additionally, ensuring consistent product data quality and embedding data governance presented complexities in maintaining accurate information and avoiding potential customer dissatisfaction.

The Solution

Nvizion Solutions has been PUMA’s data partner for the last 10 years. We supported PUMA to deploy Informatica MDM – Product 360 to provide a central repository and a single trusted source of product information. The solution includes Informatica Data Quality and Business Process Management to provide trusted data and automate processes. Now, PUMA can easily feed its e-commerce systems with the highest quality product data.

The Benefits

With Nvizion's expertise, PUMA experienced a growth in sales within just 9 months, thanks to greater agility and faster time to market & accurate & complete product information. There was a significant upswing, supporting up to 20% higher customer conversion rates, a testament to the enhanced customer experience. Furthermore, the collaboration improved operational efficiency, streamlining processes, and reducing redundancies. Notably, PUMA achieved their return on investment (ROI) targets & efficiency targets in less than 2 years.