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Grey Cross

Product Data Management

Informatica PIM

Start small and grow fast by mastering business-critical data with Informatica P360 Solutions. No matter whether you are selling B2B or B2C, delivering engaging product experiences is a key success factor for your business. But quite often, product information is incomplete, fragmented, and inconsistent across different applications, siloed systems, business units, or channels. Designed for the enterprise, Informatica MDM-Product 360 helps deliver engaging product experiences and publish trusted, rich and relevant information that closes the sale across channels and digital touchpoints.

Informatica PIM
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Why choose Nvizion Solutions as Informatica PIM partner?

Manage complex product content across distribution channels and at scale. Informatica PIM – Product 360 provides direct integration with the b-synced GDSN data pool when using the GDSN accelerator extension for suppliers. By providing a fantastic customer experience and enhancing customer service touchpoints, Informatica provides its customers a way to transform their organisations and boost revenues. By integrating Informatica contact data quality services, it helps clients overcome their most pressing business problems and thereby provide value to their operations. With more than 20 years of dedication to excellent data, Nvizion Solutions, as Informatica PIM partner is the recognised market leader in providing cloud-based data quality services. Gartner has positioned Informatica as the market leader in data quality products for 10 years running.